'Voyages of Alice' |
How do! I know your probably paying for this web-time by the minute so I'll be brief. You are looking at your very own personalised web page! Cool in a kinda geeky way I guess. Why? Well, are you sitting comftably? Then I shall begin.... I though that it might be cool if your folks and your mates could get to see some of the pics you're gonna take with your flash new camera. I can put up any pictures you want on the site, then all you need to do is send the link to whoever you want to see them. What do you think? But it doesn't end there! I've got carried away!! You can have anything you want on the site, Pics, Links, Inteneries, a Blog whatever you like.......... Take a look at the site by clicking here. Not all the pages have anything on, or need to stay. Its down to you what is included. Also, this page is only tempoary and wont stay. |